Results for 'Ricardo Senabre Sempere'

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  1.  12
    Notas sobre la prosa periodística de Carmen de Burgos.Ricardo Senabre Sempere - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):107-113.
    Como muchos autores de la época, Carmen de Burgos simultaneó el periodismo con la creación propiamente literaria. En estas páginas se intenta analizar cuáles son los rasgos esenciales de una prosa culta que, sin embargo, se dirige mediante la prensa a un público muy amplio. Se tienen en cuenta las estructuras compositivas más frecuentes, así como las creaciones metafóricas predilectas de la autora, a fin de dar una imagen de la prosa periodística que la caracteriza.
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  2. La novela del realismo crítico.Ricardo Senabre - unknown
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    Educación centrada en el crecimiento de la relación interpersonal.José Víctor Orón Semper - 2018 - Studia Poliana 20:241-262.
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    Utkast til et system for sammenlignende stillære (1853).Gottfried Semper - 2004 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 22 (1-2):132-138.
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    Del patrimonio cultural urbano al paisaje cultural.David Senabre López - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:673-685.
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    Ensenyar a pensar a qui no vol aprendre’n. O com innovar en l’ensenyament de la filosofia en l’època de l’idiotisme digital.Enric Senabre Carbonell - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (1):161-192.
    Resum: Actualitzar la didàctica de la filosofia i adaptar-la al nou context digital i social que ha convertit l’ensenyament en una activitat complexa però fonamental és un dels reptes didàctics que ha d’ orientar l’ensenyament filosòfic dirigit a la formació de ciutadans crítics i responsables d’una societat democràtica avançada. Amb aquesta finalitat és necessari posar la filosofia a l’abast de tothom, utilitzar les xarxes socials (Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) com a recursos didàctics per a l’ensenyament filosòfic, acompanyar la formació de (...)
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    Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts, or, Practical Aesthetics.Gottfried Semper & Harry Mallgrave - 2004 - Getty Publications.
    The enduring influence of the architect Gottfried Semper derives primarily from his monumental theoretical foray Der Stil in der technischen und tektonischen Künsten, here translated into English for the first time. A richly illustrated survey of the technical arts, Semper's analysis of the preconditions of style forever changed the interpretative context for aesthetics, architecture, and art history. Style, Semper believed, should be governed by historical function, cultural affinities, creative free will, and the innate properties of each medium. Thus, in an (...)
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    Adolescent Emotional Maturation through Divergent Models of Brain Organization.Jose V. Oron Semper, Jose I. Murillo & Javier Bernacer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  9. Masculinidad y feminidad para una propuesta educativa.José-Víctor Orón-Semper - forthcoming - Studia Poliana.
    Muchas discusiones actuales sobre la educación sexual se bloquean por confrontar sin integrar la naturaleza y la subjetividad. El artículo, inspirándose en el análisis de los tres radicales de Leonardo Polo, ofrece una solución al integrar la naturaleza y la subjetividad desde el carácter personal del ser humano. El artículo propone entender los términos varón y mujer en referencia al radical natural, masculinidad y feminidad en referencia al radical del sujeto y paternidad y maternidad en referencia al radical personal. Se (...)
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    Reflexión sobre los modelos educativos actuales a partir de la antropología trascendental y los tres radicales de Leonardo Polo.José-Víctor Orón-Semper - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:33-48.
    En el panorama educativo internacional y actual domina una educación centrada en competencias. Tras esclarecer la base modernista de dicho modelo educativo, se explora como articular una concepción distinta a la imperante con la propuesta de Leonardo Polo. En el artículo, tras plantear que el punto central de una propuesta educativa poliana es el ser humano como hijo, descubriremos tres modelos educativos contrapuestos gracias a los Tres Radicales. Y, desde la antropología trascendental, planteamos una educación centrada en el Encuentro Interpersonal. (...)
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    17 Punkter for En Fullstendig Og Universell Samling (1852).Gottfried Semper - 2006 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 24 (3):199-202.
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  12. Der persische Anteil an Wolframs Parzival.Max Semper - 1934 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 12:92-123.
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  13. Prospecto de Una obra intitulada:" Coleccion de las leyes pertenecientes a la politica economica con la historia de todos sus Ramos".Juan Sempere Y. Guarinos - 2005 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 15 (1).
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    Ethical Considerations and Implications of Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening: Reliability, Access and Cost to Test and Treat.Lorenzo F. Sempere - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-10.
    This essay focuses on the ethical considerations and implications of providing a universal multi-cancer screening test as the best approach to reduce societal cancer burden in a society with limited funds, resources, and infrastructure. With 1.9 million cancer diagnoses each year in the United States, with 86% of all cancers diagnosed in individuals over the age of 50, and with screening tools approved for only four cancer types (breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer), it seems that a multi-cancer screening test (...)
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    La acción humana: una propuesta integral para el diálogo interdisciplinar sobre la personalidad.José Víctor Orón Semper & Miriam Martinez Martínez Mares - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (2):133-154.
    Human Action: a Comprehensive Proposal for Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Personality The need to categorize the personality is recurrent in philosophical, theological and, especially, psychological studies. However, the lack of dialogue between the different disciplines gives rise to analyzes that seem to divide human reality into 'parts', often incompatible with each other. In view of this problem, this article proposes the integral analysis of human action, seeking a psychological parameterization that is more adjusted to the complexity of the personality. Starting from (...)
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  16. Comentario a los comentarios.Joaquim Sempere Carreras - 2010 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 35:173-182.
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    Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education.Maribel Blasco & José Víctor Orón Semper - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (5):481-498.
    The so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ is often presented as a counterproductive element in education, and many scholars argue that it should be eliminated, by being made explicit, in education in general and specifically in higher education. The problem of the HC has not been solved by the transition from a teacher-centered education to a student-centered educational model that takes the student’s experience as the starting point of learning. In this article we turn to several philosophers of education to propose that HC (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Wesendonck, O. G. v., Das Weltbild der Iranier. [REVIEW]Max Semper - 1934 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 39:61.
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    Estructura y dinámica de los grupos de investigación.Jesús Rey Rocha, María José Martín Sempere & Jesús Sebastián - 2008 - Arbor 184 (732):743-757.
    La importancia de la asociabilidad se está poniendo crecientemente de manifiesto cuando se analizan los actuales modos de producción del conocimiento. Existen diferentes niveles organizativos en el ámbito de la investigación científica, entre los que los grupos de investigación constituyen una de las modalidades de asociación más generalizadas. En este artículo se analizan los aspectos conceptuales y prácticos que se plantean cuando se trata de identificar la naturaleza y las características de los grupos de investigación, así como las diferencias con (...)
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    Does certification improve hired labour conditions and wageworker conditions at banana plantations?Fédes van Rijn, Ricardo Fort, Ruerd Ruben, Tinka Koster & Gonne Beekman - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):353-370.
    Certification of banana plantations is widely used as a device for protecting and improving socio-economic conditions of wageworkers, including their incomes, working conditions and—increasingly—voice [related to labour relations and workplace representation]. However, to date, evidence about the effectiveness of certification in these domains is scarce. We collected detailed field data on (1) economic benefits for improving household income, (2) social benefits for labour practices, and (3) the voice of wageworkers focusing on identity and identification issues amongst wageworkers at Fairtrade certified (...)
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    Corporate governance, female directors and quality of financial information.María Consuelo Pucheta-Martínez, Inmaculada Bel-Oms & Gustau Olcina-Sempere - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):363-385.
    The aim of this study is to examine whether gender diversity on audit committees influences financial reporting quality by using panel data of Spanish listed firms. The financial reporting quality of firms is measured by the type of opinion received in the audit report. We estimate various panel data models of audit opinions and control for factors that are traditionally found to impact audit opinions. This study provides evidence to support the hypotheses that the percentage of females on ACs reduces (...)
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    Commitment of independent and institutional women directors to corporate social responsibility reporting.María Consuelo Pucheta‐Martínez, Inmaculada Bel‐Oms & Gustau Olcina‐Sempere - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):290-304.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Female Institutional Directors on Boards and Firm Value.María Consuelo Pucheta-Martínez, Inmaculada Bel-Oms & Gustau Olcina-Sempere - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):343-363.
    The aim of this research is to examine what impact female institutional directors on boards have on corporate performance. Previous research shows that institutional female directors cannot be considered as a homogeneous group since they represent investors who may or may not maintain business relations with the companies on whose corporate boards they sit. Thus, it is not only the effect of female institutional directors as a whole on firm value that has been analysed, but also the impact of pressure-resistant (...)
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  24.  27
    (1 other version)Nuestras conversaciones sobre las Américas en movimiento.Jovino Pizzi & Ricardo Salas Astrain - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:152-162.
    A ética do discurso justifica o conteúdo de uma moralidade que salienta a simetria entre os sujeitos e a solidariedade entre todos. Para Habermas “a solidariedade é a outra face da justiça” (1999, p. 42), ou seja, são duas faces da mesma moeda. Esta é uma afirmação chave em relação ao conteúdo cognitivo do âmbito moral. A validade das normas pressupõe uma fundamentação normativa estruturada linguisticamente, de forma a vincular a justiça com a solidariedade. A ênfase está em uma razão (...)
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    Papel Social Del Intelectual Ante El Overlapping Malicious.Jovino Pizzi & Ricardo Salas Astrain - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:204-213.
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  26. El complejo régimen de responsabilidades por asistencia sanitaria.Ricardo de Angel Yágüez - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    The Neurology of Morality.Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza & Jorge Moll - 2012 - In Robyn Langdon & Catriona Mackenzie, Emotions, Imagination, and Moral Reasoning. Psychology Press.
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    Pensar el horizonte: pedagógico socio crítico.Navarro Díaz & Luis Ricardo (eds.) - 2015 - Barranquilla, Cúcuta, Colombia: Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar.
  29. El ensayo como forma de expresión de la modernidad.Nelso Ricardo Amaya Espitia - 2002 - In Rodolfo Méndez Q., La modernidad en sombras. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Tercer Planeta.
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    Logical approaches to fuzzy similarity-based reasoning: an overview.Lluís Godo & Ricardo O. Rodríguez - 2008 - In Giacomo Della Riccia, Didier Dubois & Hans-Joachim Lenz, Preferences and Similarities. Springer. pp. 75--128.
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    Complexity invariance by replication in the quantum square well.Ricardo López-Ruiz & Jaime Sanudo - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
  32. Visiones del infierno en la Edad Media: entre la estética y la escatología.Ricardo Isidro Piñero Moral - 2005 - In Antonio Notario Ruiz, Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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    La doctrina perspectivista de G. W. Leibniz.Ricardo Rodríguez Hurtado - 2021 - Granada: Comares.
  34.  8
    José MG Gómez-Heras, Religion y modernidad. La crisis del individualismo religioso de Lutero a Nietzsche.Ricardo Salas Astrain - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (91):510-511.
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    Miguel Granada, Cosmología, religión y política en el Renacimiento. Ficino, Savonarola, Pomponazzi, Maquiavelo.Ricardo Salas Astrain - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (91):466-467.
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    Pierre Fruchon, L'herméneutique de Gadamer. Platonisme et modernité.Ricardo Salas Astrain - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (3):456-458.
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  37. Conclusions.Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo & Marinella Machado-Araujo - 2025 - In Ricardo Sanín Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Decrypting justice: from epistemic violence to immanent democracy. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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  38. Reason as a heterogenous tool: The case of notice to refugees.Jose Ricardo Souza Rodrigues - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (120):437-448.
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    Prof. Ricardo Yepes (Subdirector del Instituto de Ciencias para la Familia), Leonardo Polo. Su vida y escritos.Ricardo Yepes - 2006 - Studia Poliana:15-21.
    Este trabajo describe la vida y escritos de L. Polo hasta 1996. A los 25 años descubrió su método de pensamiento: el abandono del limite mental. Vivió en Madrid, Roma, Granada y Pamplona. Amante de la verdad y de la libertad personal. Entre sus obras más profundas se encuentran las que componen su Curso de teoría del conocimiento y su Antropología trascendental.
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    (1 other version)To Preface the Response to the'Criticisms' of Ricardo Nirenberg and David Nirenberg Reply.Ricardo L. Nirenberg & David Nirenberg - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (2):381-387.
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    Metalinguistic effects.Ricardo Mena - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (2):545-565.
    We can communicate linguistic information by asserting sentences that are not explicitly about linguistic matters. Stalnaker offers a pragmatic account of this phenomenon. It is not clear that such an account is correct. In this article I offer an alternative account that does not rely on pragmatic mechanisms and which captures many of the insights in Stalnaker's theory of linguistic communication. The view is inspired by Barker's semantics of vague adjectives.
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  42. The Contradictory God Thesis and Non-Dialetheic Mystical Contradictory Theism.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2025 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 97:1-23.
    When faced with the charge that a given concept of God is contradictory, the standard move among philosophers and theologians has been to try to explain away the contradiction and show that the concept of God in question is consistent. This has to do, of course, with the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC). Another option, which has recently generated interest among logicians and analytic philosophers of religion, is to reject such a move as unnecessary and defend what might be called the (...)
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  43. Panentheism and Theistic Cosmopsychism: God and the Cosmos in the Bhavagad Gītā.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):1-23.
    Panentheism has seen a revival over the past two decades in the philosophical literature. This has partially triggered an interest in Indian models of God, which have traditionally been seen as panentheistic. On the other hand, panentheism has been often associated with panpsychism, an old ontological view that sees consciousness as fundamental and ubiquitous in the natural world and which has also enjoyed a renaissance in recent decades. Depending on where one places fundamentality (whether on the microlevel or on the (...)
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    Assessing relational quantum mechanics.Ricardo Muciño, Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-26.
    Relational Quantum Mechanics is an interpretation of quantum theory based on the idea of abolishing the notion of absolute states of systems, in favor of states of systems relative to other systems. Such a move is claimed to solve the conceptual problems of standard quantum mechanics. Moreover, RQM has been argued to account for all quantum correlations without invoking non-local effects and, in spite of embracing a fully relational stance, to successfully explain how different observers exchange information. In this work, (...)
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  45. The Logic of God: A Pluralistic Representational Theory of Concepts.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (4):465-488.
    In this paper I present a formalization of the theory of ideal concepts applied to the concept of God. It is done within a version of the Simplest Quantified Modal Logic (SQML) and attempts to solve three meta-problems related to the concept of God: the unicity of extension problem, the homogeneity/heterogeneity problem and the problem of conceptual unity.
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  46. On the Representation of the Concept of God.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (2):731-755.
    While the failure of the so-called classical theory of concepts - according to which definitions are the proper way to characterize concepts - is a consensus, metaphysical philosophy of religion still deals with the concept of God in a predominantly definitional way. It thus seems fair to ask: Does this failure imply that a definitional characterization of the concept of God is equally untenable? The first purpose of this paper is to answer this question. I focus on the representational side (...)
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  47. A Theory of Just Market Exchange.Ricardo Andrés Guzmán & Michael C. Munger - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (1):91-118.
    Any plausibly just market exchange must balance two conflicting moral considerations: non-worseness (Wertheimer, 1999) and euvoluntariness (true voluntariness; Munger, 2011). We propose an analytical theory of just market exchange that partly resolves this conflict.
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    Artificial intelligence paternalism.Ricardo Diaz Milian & Anirban Bhattacharyya - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3):183-184.
    In response to Ferrario _et al_’s 1 work entitled ‘Ethics of the algorithmic prediction of goal of care preferences: from theory to practice’, we would like to point out an area of concern: the risk of artificial intelligence (AI) paternalism in their proposed framework. Accordingly, in this commentary, we underscore the importance of the implementation of safeguards for AI algorithms before they are deployed in clinical practice. The goal of documenting a living will and advanced directives is to convey personal (...)
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    Against the accommodation of subjective healthcare provider beliefs in medicine: counteracting supporters of conscientious objector accommodation arguments.Ricardo Smalling & Udo Schuklenk - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):253-256.
    We respond in this paper to various counter arguments advanced against our stance on conscientious objection accommodation. Contra Maclure and Dumont, we show that it is impossible to develop reliable tests for conscientious objectors' claims with regard to the reasonableness of the ideological basis of their convictions, and, indeed, with regard to whether they actually hold they views they claim to hold. We demonstrate furthermore that, within the Canadian legal context, the refusal to accommodate conscientious objectors would not constitute undue (...)
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  50. Vargas de Basterra, Ricardo. et al." Visión retrospectiva de los principios de la programación y su impacto en la formación de ingenieros y en la calidad de software".Mc Ricardo Vargas de Basterra & Agustín Gutiérrez Tornés - 2004 - Episteme 1 (2).
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